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Say Goodbye to Migraine Headaches

Girl having migraine

Frequent symptoms are one-sided head pain with light and noise sensitivity, nausea and vomiting. Some can be associated with stroke-like symptoms. 

Common triggers for Migraines are:

  1. Foods- for example, aged cheese, chocolate, foods containing MSG and other food additives, red wine
  2. Hormonal changes like Menstrual cycle, changes in Barometric pressure, stress, lack of sleep, medication overuse
  3. Family history 

It is recommended that patients maintain a headache diary and avoid triggers when possible. Share this with the Neurologist

Holistic Approach


Medications used for preventing migraines have typically been developed for other disease conditions like, Hypertension, Seizures, Antidepressants, Muscle relaxants, Botox, which happen to reduce the frequency and severity of headaches.

In the last few years, a newer class of drugs has emerged. These target a specific molecule made by brain cells (neurons) called: CGRP or Calcitonin Gene- related Peptide. The medications work by blocking the target molecule or reducing its efficacy and hence preventing headaches from starting.

The side effect profile of these medications is highly favorable and better than most previously used medications. Certain criteria need to be met for these to be prescribed. 

Call North TX Neurology & Neuropathy or book your appointment online for learning more about Migraine Treatment. The correct treatment can go a long way in improving your quality of life.

Dr. Devanshi Gupta Dr. Devanshi Gupta, MD, FAAN, FAANEM Dr. Devanshi Gupta, MD, FAAN, FAANEM, of North Texas Neurology & Neuropathy in Allen, Texas has been recognized for her contribution to the medical field. As an expert in the disciplines of neurology, neuromuscular disease, clinical neurophysiology and electrodiagnostic medicine, Dr. Gupta has been recognized several times as one of America’s top physicians by the Consumers’ Research Council of America, and she has received additional accolades for her outstanding service, compassion, and exceptional patient care.

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